More Profit through Process Optimisation and Increase of Yield through the use of networks
Input of scientific results and experiences into the dairy practice, troubleshooting and product- and process development for dairies as well as users of dairy products.
The costs for the raw material milk is by far the biggest part of all expenses. Consequentlly the investment in the increase of yield, improvement of product quality and the constancy of quality is most efficient.
However, it is a must to have a diversified know how about (examples):
The concept is to use a network of different scientific institutes, laboratory service units, dairy schools and technical equipment of universities as well as the support of construction and engineering industries (often part of a project is the use of pilot plants on site). A single institute can rarely satisfy the damand of the dairy industry. Often the reason is the turning away from a substrate oriented science towards a methodical science, and the lack of experienced employees. The development of a dairy relies on very concrete knowledge about the substrate.
Dairy Consulting offers high mobility and accessibility. Dairy Consulting performs all services beginning with product acquisition, pilot trials, application trials, analytics and providing samples for customers and Dairy Consulting can help build links to different industrie.
Example: Extremely creamy skim milk yogurt through ideal recipe and ideal process
Food process engineer - Dairy specialist
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